So here they are, all my work of a few days away.
During some heavy rain I hide in several Churches in Delft
and discovered that making drawings with a matchstick and Indian ink
is a good way to spend time and do some practice.

"Natland." Delft.

"Havenkade Maassluis."

Nieuwe kerk II. Delft.
(Here all the members of our royalty are buried.

Oude kerk I. Delft.
(Vermeer is buried in this Church, you even can visit his tombstone!)

Oude kerk II Delft.

Two windmills, Maasland.

"Strandafslag s Gravenzande." 's Gravenzande, Holland.

"Net om de hoek." s Gravenzande, Holland


Maria van Jesse kerk. Delft.

Nieuwe kerk. Delft.
So that's it, ... I need a vacation hehehe