Kevin Menck did some what he called Class C demos lately and
this inspired me to give it a try also.
This is the first time I did a w.i.p. on a cityscape, and for that matter
also the first time I did the initial sketch with Cadm. Yellow.
So here we go, ... enjoy!
First the scene:

The main church in Arnhem, a big city near the town I life.

Detailed shot of my setup plus the initial sketch, ..

I sketch rather thin so it works a lot like watercolor even so good that you almost can make several layers.

Because the church had such a prominent color I put that in first, ..

After that the sky and getting to the block-in or better working on the contrast, ... using a large brush.

Getting into the detail more and more, using a palette knife as well in this stage.

The final stage on location, when I feel the light has shifted soo much that
it's become an other painting I stop, and have a second look on it in my

"Achter het koor." Arnhem, Holland.
(behind the choir.) Oil on panel.
24 x 30 cm.
Here the finale result, notice I put in some more contrast to show the light
source a bit more and made the car park a lot darker so you look over it
much faster. I like the yellow sketch peaking through here and there, how I
can use it more often I don't know yet, maybe a sketch in bright red will have
a go soon as well.
So there you have it a w.i.p. from a cityscape, hope you liked it.