QR code!!I saw this on TV last week and looked around in Internet
and today I got my own QR code, my what? my QR code.
I don't know how common it is in the US but here it's just
starting to appear here and there. So first a little explanation
QR code demo < a 2:50 min video explaination.
With some internet programs you easy can make them yourself,
and put them for a few dollars on a stickersheet.
Here a few internet QR code generators:
QR code.nu <
Kaywa <
As you can see you can just generate text or a hyperlink to your website
what ever. When created one it easily can copied to a sheet of plastic or
banner or even on massonite. I made some stickers of it, here my examples:

My QR code linking to my website page.

The stickers after cutting

Here you go.

On my pochade/openbox

And an other look.

And on my bag.
I know not everybody has the capability to take a picture and look on
Internet with there mobile (yet) but I think it's a great idea to use for plein
air painters, you'r not always in the mood to talk and hand out your business
card, and I am also not a person who has all kinds of advertising stuff with
me, this seems to be a nice inconspicuously way of showing some info.
Let me know what you think!