Been to Deventer yesterday. A lovely city between Zutphen and Zwolle.
A old city as well, with lots of narrow streets and a huge marketplace.
De Waag (that's where the statue is looking at) is an old building
where the weight witches in the old days, Holland was quiet and authority
and many people came here and in other cities with "Waag" buildings
to let them self weight, even from Germany!
You got an certificate too proof that you weren't a witch.
Not that we believed in witches but it was good profit, pity for the people
once and awhile who where weight too light, ... (Measured with faulty weights to
proof that there where witches, ... )

"Kijkend naar de Waag." Deventer, Holland.
(Looking at the Waag.) Oil on panel.
24 x 30 cm.