So, so beautiful! Your work is just getting stronger and stronger all the time. Some of your recent work has just been spectacular. I have the yellow trees with the little bridge as my desktop background, and it gives me pleasure every day! Nel
Thanks. an other point of all the greys and muted colours that you can practise lost and found edges very well, ...
I prime my panels myself Antti, and use as a start a mixed muted colour that is then mixed with Liquin. The prime color of the panel is a mild reddish yellow white (pale ivory like (R.A.L. 1005)) hehehe
Ow what nice to hear Nel, Thank you so much to share. Autumn is as good as over around here, it's windy, rainy, more like winter.
The weather might be grey but the painting isn't. It's full of subtle colour.
I totally agree. I really like the substle hints of colors you have achived in this one.
Say, do you prime the canvas yourself to get that underlaying textural quality or where does it come from?
So, so beautiful! Your work is just getting stronger and stronger all the time. Some of your recent work has just been spectacular. I have the yellow trees with the little bridge as my desktop background, and it gives me pleasure every day!
Hi Keith,
an other point of all the greys and muted colours that you can practise lost and found edges very well, ...
I prime my panels myself Antti, and use as a start a mixed muted colour that is then mixed with Liquin. The prime color of the panel is a mild reddish yellow white (pale ivory like (R.A.L. 1005)) hehehe
Ow what nice to hear Nel, Thank you so much to share. Autumn is as good as over around here, it's windy, rainy, more like winter.
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