a very lovely lady I met in Ireland. It's nice to experiment
a bit for other artists with new ideas for a pochade box.
This one is a merge of the OpenboxM and the Mabef 106
I myself use some different model it's something between
the English pochade and the OpenbowM as well. This I like
cause you can hold you panel horizontal and vertical which
my own box can't.
Here some photo's during the build and finished. Feel free to
ask if you would like to know more about some details.
"Hope you like it Louise ;-) "
Very nicely crafted, and well thought out design.
Thank you Jim,
It was fun to experiment somewhat with defferent models of pochade. I really like the fact that the panelholder is much versatile then the pochade I use, ... and it gives a few extra cm2 extra palettespace as well.
Beautifully made, wish I had one as well
Wow, I envy Louise. Will see it in reality at Wexford. Beautyful box, you are so talented ( and a very good painter of course).
Wow thank you all, it was great fun to experiment a bit. And I hope she's having lots of fun with it as well, it seems she does already.
Pour finir une boite box, je cherche à me fournir de la quincaillerie sur la France cela me semble introuvable surtout le système pour tenir le couvercle ouvert en laiton et les boutons en laiton aussi.
Merci d'avance pour une réponse
Mon email est clodjean@gmail.com
Hi Iepe,
Could you please say that again, in English?
I am having a great time using that pochade it comes everywhere with me !!! Its so light, portable , handy and sturdy I love it. Thank you again Rene !!
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