Today something different, a so called WIP
Work In Progression, although it didn't worked out
completely how I had planed but hee, I always find it
lots of fun to see it from other artist.
So here you go, I start with the result.

"Kale bomen." Arnhem, Holland.
(Bare trees.) Oil on board. 24 x 30 cm.
And off course the site itself:

Followed by the set up, I usually start with a thin wash of color I find most suitable for the site, this one was Burnt Sienna

Here you can see the simple sketch, with a mix from Cobalt blue and the left over from the Burnt Sienna.

After that I start with filling in the great areas with a mix of Burnt Umber and Ultrm. Blue, .... You also can see some white used already because the buildings are quite white I have to do them several times. I shift often from white to dark and back again.

And after that the WIP went wrong, a guy came with a very flashy digital camera and took lots of photo's, that I had to see with all the possibilities they had. Not bad, but not very good for the painting, ... at one moment it started to rain and that was the main reason that the guy left, he promised to mail me the pictures so I didn't took anymore. ......