Monday, December 18, 2006

Road to the end.

Sjee, it was freezing cold outside!
Here in Holland we called this kind of coldness
Everything becomes wet so nothing will keep warm.
Aah well it gives very nice scenes so not all is bad.
I was glad that i had a small size board though.
"Road to the end." Loo. Holland.
Oil on board. 7 x 9"(sold.)


Heidi Malott said...

Thank you Rene' for the nice comment. I am flattered that you would add my link. I will do the same, if that is okay. Have a great day!

Peter Yesis said...

I can feel the cold. I love the atmosphere in your work. Thanks for the encouraging comments.

Stefan Nuetzel said...

Like Peter said, one can feel the cold. A great painting showing mostly the mist. Compared to you I am not so daring to go out there when it is so cold. Respect!

Luis Colan said...

I love this painting, it's just beautiful!

René PleinAir said...

Thanks Luis.