Yesterday I made some work with my earlier palette (Macpherson's one)
and it was soo nice, almost as coming home after a long time away.
Today I made the decision, ... I give in, ... or is it give up? I think it's more
a giving in, Menck palette doesn't seem to fit me so well, or maybe doesn't
fit so well in the Dutch countryside. I do wonder now how Macpherson
palette would work for Kevin Menck area or work, but that's up to him
to try, ... I'll tried Mencks palette a month now and although I still find his
work awesome his palette isn't what I thought it would be at first. (for me that is.)
Anyway, I am back to my own palette and enjoy it very much now.
Eager to discover what I'll learned more from Mencks palette, we
will see in the future what that would be.
Todays work, was made in Oosterbeek, together with Johan Reinboud again,
and this time he took a student with him, Henk Vos, a nice afternoon painting
on top of the World.

"Zig zag landschap." Oosterbeek, Holland.
(Zigzag landscape.) Oil on panel.
24 x 30 cm.