First of all, my car has past his annual inspection JIPPIE!!
And secondly the rules have changed so I have to let him
inspect for two year now!!
Tried to visit my dad today, but unluckily he wasn't home, this gave a nice
opportunity to paint in Doetinchem, a larger city some 30 km away from her.
I lived there for all my youth.

"Naast de kerk." Doetinchem,
(Alongside the church.) Oil on board. 18 x 24 cm.
The second painting is one from yesterday painting day in Nijmegen, ...
I couldn't get the colors right, ...
sometimes you simply don't have the right colors with you, ... oh well.

"Onmogelijk roze." Nijmegen, Holland.
(Impossible pink.) Oil on board. 18 x 24 cm.