Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Paint Evocative Nocturnes

Due to some personal stuff I couldn't get out today.

But what a luck to find > this< interview from Michael Chesley Johnson over nocturnes.

A fine specimen of that is painted by Marc R. Hanson

'Palmetto Island by Night' - oil - 16x20 © Marc R. Hanson '08


Marc R. Hanson said...

René...THANK YOU SO MUCH! Very generous of you to share your blog space with this article. Michael is a very, very good writer... and painter. Some people get all the gifts!!! ;) I hope that your bog readers enjoy what we had to say and get out there when things are quiet and calm and give it a shot too.

Marc R. Hanson said...

I meant 'blog', not 'bog'. Can't type either...