While visiting Rob IJbema in Wales he had a very nice sheep skull
later on he send it to me with the remark that I should paint it
someday, ... what a better day then today to do that.
So Rob, here you go.

"Voor Rob." Weservoort, Holland.
(Pour Rob.) Oil on panel.
18 x 24 cm.
You're certainly trying a variety of subjects!
This one is very nicely done. I like all the reflected lights and the textures.
It must have been easier painting an animal that wasn't moving about!
This is so different from what I'm used to see from you - but this works very good as well!
It has a great atmosphere, with the black background.
so can i have it back now!?
hehe nicely done it looks haunting
the off-whites work really well!
It was Keith and a lot dryer as well, watching the rain slam against the window, ...
Hey Brigitte, nice to visit my blog. You should recognized a bit from some more still life I painted though, it's not the first one you know.
Thanks for you comment.
No way Rob, the skull is mine!!
You may have the painting though, ... ;-)
Rene, a great subject - I must get myself over to the hills of Wales again to search for sheep skulls or other parts of sheep that might lend themselves to still life! I like this kind of understated approach to this one. It gives it a lot of 'presence'.
Thanks Sheila,
It's a nice time spend with this weather.
I even think I am gonna make a environment box like Larry Seiler
made. I now use a sort of one but I reckon it would do a lot better
when things a properly build.
Here a link to Larry's environment box:
> Environment box <
Rene, thanks for sharing that. Larry's box looks really interesting but actually I really like doing my still lifes using the natural light that comes through my dormer window in the attic. I can see how his box would be great in the evenings though when all natural light has gone.
Not only for night Sheila, you can also use it in a daylight setting.
This way you have much more control over the light on the subject
and no glare or reflecting light from sources you won't want.
See for example the site from Paul:
> Paul Foxton <
Thanks for that Rene - there is also a good example on Peter Yesis' blog today http://dailypaintingpractice.blogspot.com/
(sorry not sure how to make the clickable links in these comments boxes).
I still like the natural light with all its variation though - I mean you have to put up with that when you paint outside don't you? Still it is worth thinking about making a simple set up to be used whenever it seems appropriate.
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