Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Back again, ...

So after a good night sleep and some tweaking, some more paintings
of my trip to Bruchem, Zaltbommel and 's Hertogenbosch. I even made
a new photo of the painting showed yesterday, it was a little yellowish.

March is famous here about the showers it has, one moment it's spring as much as it
can get, and other moment you have heavy snow, ... this one I started with snow hehehe
but soon after I had started it stopped and when I finished it was complete sunny, ...

Why tweak? ... now you know!

"Maartse buitenhaven." 's Hertogenbosch, Holland.
(March outside harbour) Oil on panel.
24 x 30 cm. "

This painting was made on the same day, to proof how things can change.
It's almost impossible to paint the light, ...

"Wilhelminabrug 's Hertogenbosch." 's Hertogenbosch, Holland.
(Wilhelminabridge) Oil on panel.
24 x 30 cm.

Here one from Zaltbommel, the little black boat is called Viktor, so therefor the title.

"Viktor onderdak." Zaltbommel, Holland.
(Viktor sheltered.) Oil on panel.
24 x 30 cm.

And two speedy ones little sketches, one view form the camping,
and another in the little town we stayed.

"Laatste licht." Bruchem, Holland.
(Last light.) Oil on panel.
24 x 30 cm.

"Landgoed Groenhoven." Bruchem, Holland.
(Estate "Groenhoven") Oil on panel.
24 x 30 cm.

Ooow almost forgot, the dragon:

"Dragonfontain 's Hertogenbosch."


Anonymous said...

mooie dingetjes van Den Bosch!
Ik moet ook gauw eens iets doen
in Den Bosch, zeker met dit mooie
weer! Groetjes Leida

Katherine Muschick Schneider said...

Nice paintings - like the dragon.

Ieva said...

I am so fascinated from "Maartse buitenhaven." Feeling and colours are great.