Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"From the Great bridge of Doesburg." Doesburg, Holland.

It's still high tide around here, although the water is slowly
very slowly receding. I went to Doesburg today and the water-level
was still even a lot higher than last week!

A great view from this bridge, foul weather though.

"Vanaf de Grote of Vast brug." Doesburg, Holland.
(From the Great bridge.) Oil on panel.
24 x 30 cm.


Sarah said...

ah ha...we got great weather today, you have sooo much water there, love the colours

Darrell Baschak said...

Great piece Rene. I always get a pretty good sense of the weather from your work. Are you concerned about global warming and rising sea levels, considering where you live?

Gary Keimig said...

great composition. Love the cold look to it. Right in season.

René PleinAir said...

Thanks Sarah, Darrel and Gary,

I am not concerned about the global warming there been so much changes through the centuries I reckon we can coupe.

Cold it was Gary, we call it 'waterkoud' (water-cold) that means it's very wet as well it sucks the warmth right out of you bones. Wind-shirts are then better then heavy isolated coats.