Thursday, November 17, 2011

"Cold start." Duiven, Holland.

A few weeks ago I saw > this < film on T.V.
and this morning I really had to think of it while seeing
these tall trees standing in the mist.

It was cold though, 'waterkoud' they say in Holland.
roughly translatted 'watercold' in a way it says that
everything is soo soaked with water it's sucks out every little
bit of heat that's there. Luckily these kind of painting don't take
that long, so after a few strokes and a few runs up and down the
field I was getting further to my Morris, because in the end it's
Thursday and therefore Morrisday!!

"Koude start." Duiven, Holland.
(Cold start.) Oil on panel. 24 x 30 cm.

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